StoriesSee more
Taking Your Clothes Off in the Dark
Anne Jenner
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It's only the intrepid who venture into the world of arranged romance. Amelia casts her fate to the winds of change and learns that not all migrating birds make it home safely.
Something Missing
Clare Chandler
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How can Maya survive in a world where humans are on the verge of extinction and chumps – genetically-modified chimps – keep people to do their dirty work?
How Quietly Things Fall
Hannah Glancy
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How do we cope with loss? If we don't cope, can we ever come back? An exploration of grief.
The She-Lord and Her Tailor
Cherry Potts
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A fairy tale for adults and older children, in which a tailor meets a very large cat, and tries to sell her some clothes.
Lawrence Freiesleben
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From a gently insidious dystopian future, a woman looks back on her life and the true love she knows she missed out on. Finally, she remains undismayed, confident that the human span isn't everything.