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(A short story of 1067 words)

She Shot My Chimes


by Derek Neale

A gun fires in the dark, but who is it? And what is she aiming at?

I aim into the night and fire. Crack … like a nut. The door opens before the echo dies. A double kernel. You both step out onto the decking; gawp into the dark, both of you in your white dressing gowns, like snowflakes in summer. I can’t tell you apart, but I hear you.

‘What was it?’

‘A shot.’

‘A shot?’

‘She shot my chimes.’

‘Who did?’

‘Who’d you think? Look.’

‘Never knew you had any chimes.’

‘I know it’s her. Look.’

‘If it is, even if she did … she’ll come round, eventually.’

The chimes interrupt you, like drips of water. A trickling pause...

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