A D Muir
At present I am studying Fine Art and Design at Glasgow School of Art with the intention of beginning a degree later this year.
Having worked full time until very recently my writing has taken a bit of a back seat but the creative juices are flowing again now!
I was a winner of the Fearie Tales Competition at the Winter Words Festival 2007 with my short story The Landlord. This story was also published in the literary magazine Northwords Now. My story Nothing to See Outside was published by Sandstone Review – Online Arts Magazine.
Before this I was involved in the organisation of the Cromarty Book Festival where I read my short story ‘Janet and John’. This led to me being asked to take part in a number of literary projects as well as an invitation to perform ‘The Man from the South’ accompanied by an acoustic guitarist at The Poetry Café in Covent Garden.
I use to lead a Creative Writing Group which received funding to produce an anthology. Two pieces, Shoes and Wings, were selected by the editorial committee for inclusion.
I have worked as a freelance writer, writing articles for local newspapers and features for Hi-Arts Journal and Channel 4 IDEASFACTORY.
My childhood was when I filled countless exercise books with time travel stories, ghost stories, detective stories, dodgy poems and blatantly plagiarised romances.