Steve Way

Steve Way

I fell in love with writing when I was at primary school! I wrote some daft sketches and my friends and I performed them. To my amazement our audience of children and teachers actually laughed at the jokes and clapped at the end of the sketches. I was entranced by this unexpected opportunity I had been given to gain appreciation, which hitherto had been pretty thin on the ground and in particular to entertain others.

Years later I made the mistake of training to be a primary school teacher, thinking I would have plenty of time to write during the holidays! Ha! However my grim experience of being forced to grind out the National Curriculum inspired me to write maths-based and science-based stories, sketches and poems along with pieces to stimulate creative writing as one means of mitigating the National Sausage Machine of Education that children have to endure and hopefully helping them see that learning can actually be fun!

After having my first book published in 1996 I began visiting schools as an author in 1998. I have since visited schools all over England & Wales presenting my work, which has been published in the UK, Spain, the USA, New Zealand and Australia. I have given workshops to teachers in England and Northern Ireland and have also worked with children at International Schools in France, Germany and Egypt and at a SCE (British Services) school in Bergen-Belsen, Germany.

My web-site is at


Steve Way in 60 seconds

When did you start writing?

Chippenham, Wiltshire.

What do you love about short stories?

Being able to share them with others in schools.

Do you write in other forms?

Sketches and poems - I'm working on a novel!

What distracts you from writing?

Checking emails too much! Days being too short!

Outside of writing, what are your other passions?

Presenting my stories in schools, running.

What is your favourite book?

To Kill a Mockingbird - everyone should read it!

Who are your favourite writers?

Shakespeare - he was the master, Jostein Gaarder and Terry Pratchett.

Where is your dream location?


What one item would you put into Room 101?

The National Curriculum.

Do you have any advice for new writers?

My advice would be to remember that only you can write your stories and NEVER GIVE UP!

Work by Steve Way:

Hugh McPearson and the Gobstopper Mystery.
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
In this first earth-shattering adventure of many, Hugh McPearson "Ten of Spades Detective" (embarassingly his brother is an Ace Detective) seeks to solve the mystery of the disappearing layer in some school children's gobstoppers! Curiously this fascinating case failed to make the front pages of the national newspapers... or any pages come to that... (Book 1 in the Hugh McPearson series)
Hugh McPearson and the Vanishing Bread
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
In his second adventure Hugh McPearson seeks to find out why all the bread is disappearing from Mr Jones' bread shop overnight! Master of disguise he may have to take on the appearance of some form of confectionery... (Book 2 in the Hugh McPearson series).
Hugh McPearson and the Stolen King Neptune
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
King Neptune had been kidnapped or stolen! In his third adventure can Hugh rescue the King of the Sea? Bet he looks daft in a diving suit! (Book 3 in the Hugh McPearson series).
Hugh McPearson and the Vanishing School Bell
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
In his fourth inconsequential adventure Hugh McPearson teams up with his side-kick Gary, apparently to solve the problem of the stolen school bell, which means that neither the teachers and children can go home. Their adventure involves a skating rink, a snoring headteacher and several chapters from a book explaining how to cope with the old cars teachers drive. (Book 4 in the Hugh McPearson series).
Hugh McPearson and the Agreement Gas
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
In his fifth inconsequential adventure at the request of the Prime Minister our hero attempts to save the nation by uncovering the heinous villain behind the production of Agreement Gas, which very dangerously makes everyone agree with each other! In the course of his adventure he becomes the first ostrich to fly - downwards to go upwards as well as upwards - disguises himself as a corner flag and becomes one of the first ever to sit in a spell. To find out more... read the story! How simple could it be!
Hugh McPearson and the Confounding Riddles
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
In his sixth bizarre adventure Hugh (and his brother who is also called Hugh) face their nemesis. This mysterious master villain has already stolen all the gold from The Bank of England and all the paintings from Buckingham Palace and now Hugh (and Hugh) have to prevent the villain from... well, they don't know what to prevent unless they can crack the villain's mysterious coded riddles. According to Hugh (Hugh's brother) a total twit is needed. Confused? Read on...
Mrs Jones lives next door to Mrs Jones
Steve Way
£1.29 Added
'Keeping up with the Joneses' goes completely out of the control and Mrs Jones and her neighbour Mrs Jones try to out-do each other with ever more extreme consumerism!
The Egg
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
After three weeks at her new school Jasmine is still an outsider, ignored by her classmates. The unusual pet she brings to school changes things dramatically!
Trevor the Superhero Spider
Steve Way
£1.99 Added
Trevor is a superhero, however he is also a spider so his superhero powers are in proportion to his size. Trevor and his friends come to the aid of the owners of the house they all live in when Mr and Mrs Fairbanks are persecuted by Mr Bartson of Bartson Holdings U.K. (Ltd) and his heavies.
Superhero Strawberry
Steve Way
£2.99 Added
An unlikely candidate for a superhero but this seemingly innocuous plant thwarts various nefarious plots, in particular one to take over the drones used by the armed forces. A story aimed at 10 to 13 year olds.
Unusual Results
Steve Way
£0.99 Added
A story for 8 to 11 yea-olds. Having eaten some of the wizard's magic jelly, which was supposed to make him sing better but didn't, King Popple spends every day making up football results. Meanwhile for a not unrelated reason everyone has purple wax constantly dribbling out of their ears and all the children under 5 think they are cows. Hopefully the chamberlain might have a useful idea...

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