e-Book Transfer Guide

On purchasing a story or collection from CUT you will receive it in an e-book epub format via an email. The steps to load it onto your e-reader will vary slightly depending on your chosen device, but generally the principle is the same.

  • Option 1: You can email the e-book to your device
  • Option 2: You can manually transfer your e-book to your device

Below is a step-by-step guide to loading your e-book onto several commonly used devices.


Sony e-reader









Option 1 - “Send to Kindle” Guide:

Email your CUT e-book to your ‘Send-to-Kindle’ email address which can be found on your Kindle device under the ‘Setting’ tab.

If this is the first time you are sending an e-book to your ‘Send-to-Kindle’ email address you will need to perform one key step before you continue:

  1. Log in to your Amazon account
  2. Under “Your Account” select “Manage Your Kindle”
  3. Select the “Setting” tab on the right
  4. Scroll down to “Approved Personal Document Email List”
  5. If your email address is listed in this section, you can send your new book to your ‘Send-to-Kindle’ email address
  6. If your email address is not listed select “Add a new approved email address” and add the email address you will be using to send the book to your Kindle and save it to the list

You will now be able to forward all your e-books directly to your ‘Send-to-Kindle’ email address when they arrive in your inbox. 

Option 2 – Kindle Manual Book Transfer:

If you would prefer to manually load your e-book on to your reader, you can do this using the USB connection.


The first step is to move your new e-book to your computer, by placing it in a folder on your PC (where you can find it easily), so that it can be moved to your Kindle.

  1. Open the email you will have received from CUT, select the epub file and save it to your computer. We recommend creating a new folder in your documents folder to keep all your e-books in one place
  2. Connect your Kindle device to your computer with the USB cable. Your device will appear in the same location as external USB drives:
    • Windows: Your device will appear in the ‘Computer’ or ‘My Computer’ folder
    • Mac: Your device will appear on the desktop
  3. Open the device folder, and then open the ‘Documents’ or ‘Internal Documents’ folder
  4. Locate the downloaded file on your computer, and then drag and drop the file into the appropriate folder. Depending on your device type, the folder names may vary:
    • For Kindle Paperwhite, move books to the ‘Documents’ folder
    • For Kindle Fire tablets, move books to the ‘Books’ folder
  5. Safely disconnect your device from your computer once the transfer is complete



Apple iPad or iPad Mini (using the iBooks App)


First ensure you have iBooks installed on your iPad. This is the Apple App which allows your iPad to function as an e-reader. If you do not already have iBooks, you can download it for free from https://itunes.apple.com/app/ibooks/id364709193?mt=8

If you have not received the CUT e-book directly on the iPad (via email), you will need to email it to this same device. Then follow these steps:

  1. Open the email containing your new CUT e-book
  2. Select the attached epub file, this will be at the bottom of the email - the one with the iBooks icon
  3. Select “Open with iBooks”
  4. Your e-book will open





To read an e-book you will need to download e-reading software. There are many to choose from, but we recommend Adobe Digital Editions which is reliable, user-friendly and free to download.  Freda and Calibre and are also good options. Once you have loaded it, you simply need to click on your CUT e-book in the email you will have received from us and it will open in the e-reading software immediately.





To read an e-book you will need to download an e-reader app (please see the section above for examples and weblinks). There are many available, and it is worth experimenting with a couple to help you decide which best suits you, and your smartphone. Once your phone has one of these apps, just click on your CUT e-book in the email attachment which you will have received from us and it will open.



Sony Reader


There are two ways to transfer your CUT e-book to your Sony Reader.

Option 1: Sony Reader Software Transfer

  1. Open the email you will have received from CUT, containing two e-book files. Select the epub file and save the file to your computer. We recommend creating a specific folder in your documents folder to keep all your e-books in one place
  2. Connect your Sony Reader to your computer with the USB cable
  3. Open your Sony Reader software, go to file, and select import files
  4. Browse to your e-book folder under your documents and select your new e-book and select open. The software will import the e-book into your library
  5. From your top menu select ‘Reader’ then select the ‘Sync’ tab
  6. Then select “Sync Now”
  7. Once your new e-book has been synchronised you can eject your reader
  8. Turn on your reader and start reading

Option 2: Manual Transfer to Sony Reader

  1. Open the email you will have received from CUT, containing two e-book files. Select the epub file and save the file to your computer. We recommend creating a new folder in your documents folder to keep all your CUT e-books in one place
  2. Connect your Sony Reader to your computer with the USB cable. Your device will appear in the same location as external USB drives:
    • Windows: Your device will appear in the Computer or My Computer folder
    • Mac: Your device will appear on the desktop
  3. Open the device folder, which will be called ‘Reader’, and then open the following folder databasemediabooks
  4. Locate the downloaded e-book epub file on your computer, then drag and drop the compatible file into the books folder. Depending on your device type, the folder names may vary
  5. Once your e-book has finished copying across to your reader, safely disconnect your device
  6. Turn on your reader and open the e-book



Kobo Reader


You have two options to transfer your new CUT e-book to your Kobo e-reader. Before you begin, move your newly purchased CUT stories to your computer.

Option 1: Manual Transfer to Device Memory

  1. Connect your e-reader to your computer using a micro-USB cable
  2. Tap Connect on your e-reader
  3. When Windows prompts you, click Open folder to view files. A desktop explorer window will open, showing the contents of your e-reader.
  4. Open a second desktop explorer window and display the books you want to add to your e-reader
  5. Drag and drop your books into the e-reader device
  6. Eject your e-reader when you're finished

Option 2: Manual Transfer to e-Reader’s Micro-SD Card

  1. Copy the books you want to add to your e-reader to your micro-SD card
  2. Turn off your e-reader
  3. Insert the micro-SD card into the e-reader card slot
  4. Turn your e-reader back on. Your e-reader will take a few moments to add your books to your Library

Note: When you remove the micro-SD card from your e-reader, the books on the micro-SD card will no longer be available on your e-reader.


If you need further help, please contact us at customerservice@cutalongstory.com.


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