How to Register 


The following information is required to enable you to create an account…


Your Contact Information:

  • Your preferred email address
  • Password
    • choose any eight-digit password, it is best to use alpha/numeric
  • Your first and last name
  • Your address
  • enter your postcode and you can select from the drop-down list


Create your CUT Writer Homepage:

  • Your published name / Pen name (if different from above)
  • Your picture
    • This will appear on your homepage and at the end of your published e-books
    • Choose one of a gif, jpg, or png file format
    • Details of who owns copyright to the picture, if not you
  • A short biography of yourself
  • maximum 250 words
  • This will also appear at the end of your published e-books


Sixty-Second Interview:

Your Writer Homepage will include a short ‘Sixty Second Interview'. This allows people browsing the CUT site to discover a little about you and can help sell your work.

The interview consists of the following questions:

  1. Where did you start writing?
  2. When did you start writing?
  3. What do you love about short stories?
  4. Do you write other forms of literature?
  5. What are your non-literary passions?
  6. What distracts you from writing?
  7. What is your favourite story or book?
  8. Who are your three favourite authors, living or dead?
  9. Where is your dream location?
  10. What would you put in room 101 (your pet hate)?
  11. One piece of useful writing advice?


Your Writer Status:

We will ask you to choose some tags to represent yourself. These will appear on your Writer Homepage, and visitors can use them to search for writers. When you register, by typing in the box, you can either select a tag which already exists, or create a new one (or both).

For example, they could indicate:

  • You are a published writer; a semi-professional writer; a journalist; a poet; a playwright; a novelist; a student
  • your profession, if you are not a full-time writer
  • a writers’ group or association of which you are a member
  • other interests, passions or hobbies


How You Will Be Paid:

When your stories are purchased, CUT will pay you via PayPal. Click here to open an account if you don’t already have one.

Once you have created the account, we will need the following information:

  • The email address of your PayPal account
  • If applicable - your VAT number
    • CUT does not require you to register for Vat, but if you are already registered, please tell us your VAT number.


Register as a writer

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