A landlord takes a special interest in the new tenant of a Highland croft.
The first proper snow came today. Icy winds blew and the skies darkened to gunmetal grey. The wind sliced and hurled the snow around until all went white and the clouds were spent.
When I was a lad and living in what is now her cottage, the snow would start at the end of October. The Ben, over the way, would show the first sign of winter. I’d wake up and smell the air and think: ‘That’s it then, there’ll be snow on the Ben’ and I’d open my thin curtains, score zigzag lines through the ice on the inside of the window, and see the mountain white, proudly hailing winter’s arrival. And there the snow would stay until April or May and sometimes, there’d still be white patches showing in June. Nowadays, it seems, the snow comes when it chooses.
When she came here, I found myself missing life more than before. She has a vulnerability that makes me want to look after her and keep an eye on her. That’s why I stay around. Well, that’s what I tell myself. Better to think that, I suppose...
The first proper snow came today. Icy winds blew and the skies darkened to gunmetal grey. The wind sliced and hurled the snow around until all went white and the clouds were spent.
When I was a lad and living in what is now her cottage, the snow would start at the end of October. The Ben, over the way, would show the first sign of winter. I’d wake up and smell the air and think: ‘That’s it then, there’ll be snow on the Ben’ and I’d open my thin curtains, score zigzag lines through the ice on the inside of the window, and see the mountain white, proudly hailing winter’s arrival. And there the snow would stay until April or May and sometimes, there’d still be white patches showing in June. Nowadays, it seems, the snow comes when it chooses.
When she came here, I found myself missing life more than before. She has a vulnerability that makes me want to look after her and keep an eye on her. That’s why I stay around. Well, that’s what I tell myself. Better to think that, I suppose...