SG Fisher

SG Fisher

I'm a writer, an ex-pat, and a teacher-facilitator. I provide creative writing workshops and events.


SG Fisher in 60 seconds

When did you start writing?

1988 in St Mellons, Cardiff.

What do you love about short stories?

They're like portholes looking out over the ocean - they may seem small, but you'll find yourself returning for a glimpse again and again.

Do you write in other forms?

I write poems for myself, dabble in microfiction and am currently attempting to finish my first novel.

What distracts you from writing?

Our children, the dog, my computer, and my brain.

Outside of writing, what are your other passions?

Meditating, walking, cooking, always reading.

What is your favourite book?

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

Who are your favourite writers?

Haruki Murakami, Jeanette Winterson and Jess Kid.

Where is your dream location?

Reykjavik, New Year's Eve.

What one item would you put into Room 101?


Do you have any advice for new writers?

Creating, writing, and editing are different processes. Don't start editing when you're still writing the first draft!

Work by SG Fisher:

Voiceless It Cries
SG Fisher
£0.99 Added
With a subtle spice of gingerbread in the air, a lonely woman walks where the wind guides her. A suburban fairy tale, reminiscent of Shirley Jackson's early works.

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